Izola. Istria. Sloveenia. Roheline.Aktiivne.Tervislik
Izola in the past and today
Itaalia keeles Izola tähendab “saart” on ometi ajajooksul Izola saarest saanud tänapäeval mandirosa. Kogu linna ajalugu on endiselt tihedalt seotud merega: ehedast kalurikülast on saanud populaarne turistidelinn ning enim hindavad Izolat noored pered, sportlased ja ka eakamad inimesed kes Izolat armastavad külastada aastaringselt.
Mis me oskame öelda – Izola on justkui mosaiiklinn oma traditsiooni, ajaloo, arhitektuuri ja külalislahkete inimestega. Muidugi arvukad kustigaleriid, võõrastemajad, mõnus vahemereline sigimine-sagimine, kohalik Istria köök, ja suurepärased veinid võluvad sinu südame!
Izola rand – liivast randa ei tasu otsida ning pikali saab visata kiviplaatidele, nauditakse ometi Izola randa väga. Eks kuumal suvepäeval vajavad kõik veidi jahutust ja ole valmis seda tegema paljude teiste inimestega. Soovitame juua Radneska mineraalvett (võid juba Eestis järeleproovida kui hea vesi see on) ning pärast päevitamist kasutad spetsiaalset piima – mõnusalt jahutav ning muudab päevituse kaunilt pruuniks – tule meile külla Paldiski mnt 29, Tallinn
Izola in the past and today
Two thousand years B.C members of Illyrian tribe of Histri were the first know inhabitants of Istria to build forted settlements in this territory. Their remains can still be found in the village Kaštelir nad Kortami above Izola. Overlooking the neighbouring hills, the village has a wonderful view of the smallest of Istrian towns, the town which used to be an island: Izola.
In the Italian language, Izola means “an island”. Although in the course of time, the island became a part of the mainland, its story is closely linked to the sea. Being a fishing town, it was the home of the first fish-canning factory. Despite its former´sleeping beauty status, know as the home of fishermen and workers, Izola has developed into a popular tourist resort. It is most appreciated by young families, sportsmen and retired people, who love to return here all year round. The motto of the modern tourist offer Izola is that something is not good for the tourists if it is not good for its people, resulting in a somewhat more gentle approach to tourism.
Numerous art galleries and pleasant inns can be found when walking along the streets of the old city core. The town also offers a variety of cultural events, many of which depict old traditions and customs of the city and its surrounding villages. This is also the home of the delicious Istrian cusine and excellent wines.
Izola is a picturesque mosaic of tradition, history, architectural sights and hospitable people, a place of harmonious coexistence of different nationalities. People of Izola carry their hometown in their hearts wherever they go.
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