Luce Nõel, The Needle
Kindlasti märkad enne Logarska Dolinasse (Savinja alpid) jõudmist Luce teel suur kivist “sammast”. Alt kitsam, ülevalt laiem kaljurahn meenutab välimuselt tõesti nõela. Nii räägib legend, et nõela viskas siia hiiglasest naine, kes vihastas kui järjekordselt särki õmmeldes nõelasilm purunes. Luce Nõel on 1948 aastast lisatud loodusmälestiste nimekirja. Kohe Nõela vastas aga asub tore puidust rippsild.
The Needle – Igla is a tall rock obelisk which was declared a natural monument already back in 1948.There is an approximately 2-metre crevice separating the rock face from the 40-metre isolated rock. Up until 1894, through this crevice led a path from Luče to Solčava. The Igla is located in the narrowest, the rockiest and the most beautiful part of the Savinja Gorge.
There is a legend about the origin of the Igla. Once upon a time, there lived a maiden, »Ajdovska Deklica«, who was so tall that she had to keep her feet on two mountains – one on the Raduha and the other on the Veža. When she was sewing a shirt one day, the thick fabric broke her needle. She became angry and flung the needle into the valley. The needle then pierced into the slope above the river and has remained there until this day.