Dimnice koobas koosneb kahest osast, mis on omavahel tunneliga ühendatud. Talvel aurab soe õhk suitsuna maapinnale, mistõttu on koobast kutsutud “põrguks”. Väiksemas koopas on hulk majesteetlikuid stalaktiite ning just siin asub Euroopa pikim “kardin”. The Dimnice Cave consists of two pits that are about 40m deep and linked by a tunnel. In winter, cold air descends through the larger pit and pushes the warmer air out through the small pit. On the surface it is perceived as smoke rising from the cave, and this phenomenon gave the cave its name – the devil’s smoke house.
This is a smaller cave, but with a large number of majestic stalactites and one of the longest curtains in Europe. On its total length of 6 kilometres we will descend about 130m below the surface. Since the cave is not adapted for tourist expeditions, we will turn into real cavers, accompanied by guides and equipped with headlamps we will explore all that this underground world has to offer.