Golf – green swings in green Slovenia
Vahelduv maastik – Pannoonia tasandik, mägine piikond ja idülliline karstiala Sloveenias on ideaalne paik golfiks ning on seetõttu golfarite hulgas vägagi populaarne. Golf ise jõudis Sloveeniasse pool sajandit tagasi ning tänaseks on golfiturism hoogustunud üsnagi jõudsalt.
Ljubljana golfiväljak koos 18-rajaga Smledniki lähedal (Šmarna mäe lähedus) pakub võimalust mängida golfi öösel. Vaata lähemalt :,,o_igriscu/golf_igrisce
Arboretum Golf koos 18-rajaga asub Kamnik mägedes olles ümbritsetud metsa ja väikeste järvedega. Siin asub ka park 3500 erineva taimeliigiga, olles Kesk-Euroopa üks rikkamaid arboteerumeid. Vaata lähemalt:,,posebne…
Bled golfiväljak on Sloveenia suurim ja pikima traditsiooniga golfiväljak Sloveenias. Iga golfar leiab siin põnevust ning põnevaid väljakutseid. Valida saab 18 rajalise või 9 rajaga raja või võtta ette mõlemad rajad. Imeline vaade mägedele ning kaunile järvele- see golfiväljak on populaarseim kogu Euroopas. Vaata lähemalt:
Lipica golfiväljak on avatud aastaringselt, asudes karstialal ja Euroopa vanima hobusefarmi läheduses on kindlasti põnev kõikidele mängijatele. Samuti kuulsate Lipizzanerite hobuste nägemine aitab alati golfarite kehahoiakut parandada. Vaata lähemalt:
Ptuj ja Moravske Toplice golfimängijaid lummab 18 rada ning Terme Ptuj termaalveekeskus, kehahooldused ning kui lisada veel vanalinn, keskaegne loss ning veinikeldrid- on golfimängijatel põhjust siia tulla enam kui küll. Kogu Pomurje piirkond on rikkalik termaalvete poolest ning oleme veendunud, et kogu Sloveenia oma rohelise iluga muudab meid õnnelikumaks. Vaata lähemalt:…/livada-golf-course
Kui vajad lisainformatsiooni või soovid abi lennupiletite, transpordi jne osas – tule meile külla Paldiski mnt 29, Tallinn tööpäeviti kell 9.30 – 17.30. Samuti võid meile kirjutada
Green swings in Slovenia provide a direct contact with nature and enjoyment in green landscapes. These landscapes are very diverse, which also holds true for the golf courses and driving ranges in Slovenia. They are set in typical landscape on the edge of the Pannonian Plain, among vineyards and rolling hills, below Alpine summits, and in the idyllic karst landscape. Due to the short distances in Slovenia, you can reach most golf clubs from Ljubljana within one hour. During a match, golfers can listen to the birds in the trees and smell the meadow flowers.
Golf arrived in Slovenia half a century ago, and golf tourism is becoming increasingly important in the Slovenian tourist offer. Specialised golf agencies around the world offer various packages in Slovenia: from premium packages, which include luxury hotel services, restaurants, and wellness centres in addition to green fees to golfing adventures in caravans.
The Diners Club Ljubljana golf course with 18 holes is located in Smlednik, near the popular Šmarna Gora hill in the vicinity of Ljubljana, 2016 European Green Capital 2016. It offers night golf on the edge of the forest, with a picturesque wooden golfing facility, which also has a good restaurant. The Arboretum Golf Ljubljana golf course with 18 holes is located near Kamnik, in the middle of a pine forest and between small lakes. The view of the Kamnik and Savinja Alps and the Arboretum park itself, which has over 3500 species, making it one of the richest plant collections in Central Europe, provide a wonderful experience.
Enjoy the biggest golf course, which has 27 holes and the longest tradition in Slovenia. The incredible natural terrain and the special shape of the course pose a challenge to everyone. You can choose between the 18-hole King’s Course and the 9-hole Lake Golf Course, and a combination of both is also possible. With its spectacular mountain views and the iconic Alpine lake nearby, this course is among the most popular in Europe.
The second oldest course in Slovenia was opened in Lipica in 1989. It is not only special because it is the only Slovenian golf course open all year round. Its 9 holes are located in the midst of the mysterious karst underground world, and the oldest stud farm in Europe, which has been continuously breeding one of the oldest horse breeds since 1580, is located in its vicinity. The famous Lipizzaner horses certainly improve the posture of golfers as they make their swings.
Ptuj and Moravske Toplice
In Ptuj, the oldest town in Slovenia, golfers are fascinated by a course with 18 holes. The Terme Ptuj thermal spa, with a rich pool and wellness offer in an Ancient Roman style, is located nearby. Here, golfing holidays are complemented by the old town centre, the medieval castle, and the nearby wine cellar. To the east, the plains stretch even farther, and are home to the prestigious Livada Golf Course at the Terme 3000 thermal spa in Moravske Toplice.In the Pomurje region, the wealth of healthy thermal water and life at a peaceful pace are also attractive to golfers, who are able to control their body and spirit. Due to the green beauty of Slovenia, this control lessens at every step, but this can only make golfers happier.