Kas tead, mis on canyoning? Ületades looduslikke takistusi kanjonites turnides , kristallselges mägijões ujudes, kaljuseinal liugu lastes – kas see pole mitte proovimist väärt? Sloveenia on selleks igati õige koht!
Canyoning is an extreme water sport that you can experience safely in Slovenia. With suitable equipment and a guide you can enjoy leaping into pools, sliding over small waterfalls and swimming down crystal-clear streams. These are often hidden in narrow canyons in unspoilt natural surroundings. The most suitable canyons are Sušec and Fratarca near the Soča Valley and Grmečica and Jerečica near Lake Bohinj. A guide is compulsory in Slovenia, since this is the only way to ensure a safe and enjoyable adrenaline-boosting adventure. It is recommended to hire a local guide.